Six Meter BBQ
Sept 29-30, 2023

Austin, Texas USA
Six Meter BBQ
Sept 29-30, 2023
Austin, Texas USA

Registration Received

Thank you!

Your Six Meter BBQ Registration and Payment have been successfully received.

A Registration Confirmation email was just emailed to you. This email is YOUR TICKET. Print the Registration Confirmation email and bring it with you to the Six Meter BBQ Registration Desk on Saturday morning.  If you do not receive the email, or have any other questions, feel free to Contact Us via our website.

FAVOR TO ASK: We are using a new registration and payment system this year for Six Meter BBQ.  If you have a moment, can you let us know how the whole process worked for you?  Just click our Contact Us page and drop us a note… any feedback appreciated!

See you in September!

73 from Tim K3LR and the Six Meter BBQ Team!

Thanks to KA9FOX and for donating the web design and web hosting services to the 6 Meter BBQ! Web and Email Hosting
Premier Sponsors

Attending Vendors
  • DX Engineering
  • FlexRadio Systems


Special Thanks To: Web Hosting